A wind down routine to promote better sleep

Women taking a bath as part of her wind down time

Everyone is obsessed with morning routines, but what about night-time ones? There’s nothing more fundamental to self-care than getting enough quality sleep. Stress, too much technology, eating too late and overdoing it on caffeine can all negatively impact healthy sleep. It's not just about how much sleep you get but the quality of that sleep, which is why having a calming wind down routine is integral to overall wellbeing.

A bedtime routine doesn’t need to be particularly special, just consistent. Our bodies love routine, so sticking to a wind down schedule that works for you is key. A few powerful habits can help ease yourself away from daily stress and prepare your mind and body for deep, restorative rest. If you are yet to find your perfect wind down routine, check out our ideas for healthy habits that will transform the way you end your day. Ready for some inspiration?

1)    Eat early so that you don’t go to bed full as this can disrupt sleep

If you find that eating a meal before bed seems to make it harder for you to fall asleep or wreaks havoc on your precious nightly rest, try leaving about two to three hours before dinner and bedtime. You may experience indigestion or heartburn if you lie down just after a big meal, so give your body time to better digest your food before you crawl under the covers.

 2)    Turn off those notifications and unplug

Checking your phone immediately before bed can end your day in a way that is more likely to leave you feeling overwhelmed and increase your stress levels. It’s important to sign off and focus on becoming still, present, and relaxed as the day draws to a close. Blue light from technology can affect your sleep, so shutting off your devices is one of the simplest ways to quickly improve your rest. Blue light exposure right before bed can confuse your body’s natural sleep cycle, causing trouble with falling and staying asleep by stimulating your mind and suppressing melatonin secretion, which influences circadian rhythms. This is particularly relevant for older adults, who may have higher exposure to blue light due to spending significant time indoors under artificial lighting, leading to disruptive sleep patterns and health problems like heart disease, dementia, and diabetes. For more insights, check out the NCOA's article on blue light exposure in older adults here.

Leave your phone on aeroplane mode (or even better, in another room) to focus on yourself and start winding down.

3)    Indulge in the ritual of bathing

A daily bathing habit is an amazing way to wash away the stresses of the day and taking a warm bath can also help you catch your zzz’s more easily.

Setting up an at-home spa is as simple as grabbing your favourite soak or bath bomb, lighting a candle, putting on your favourite music or podcast and taking time for yourself.

Establishing a relaxing bath time routine can calm your mind, while gently winding down your body as evening sets in. Simple steps such as these create space for you to slow down, focus on you, and reconnect with a sense of inner peace.

If you’re looking to transform a simple soak into the highlight of your day, try our Mineral Soaking Salts and Mineral Bath Bombs. Made with restorative Dead Sea salt to cleanse, revitalise and hydrate your skin and infused with deeply calming essential oils to help relax the mind, ease anxiety and encourage a more restful night sleep. Your duvet will be calling you as soon as you step out of the bath...

 4)    Practice mindfulness

In the evenings, it can be really difficult to disconnect from emails, work and social media. We are living in uncertain times with new levels of daily stress.

The quality of our sleep is intrinsically linked to our stress levels so having a proper wind down routine before bed is integral to how we feel on a daily basis.

Journaling in the evening is a great tool to reflect and set your intentions for the next day. It will help you process your thoughts and clear your mind.

A sleep meditation practice can have plenty of mental and physical health benefits. It's a great way to connect with yourself and help create the inner conditions needed for falling asleep quickly. When you settle your mind, you rest your body — and that restfulness is what makes it easier to wind down and drift off. 

We live in a 24/7 culture in which our to-do lists seem to be constantly growing and causing us to worry about unfinished tasks at bedtime. Take some time to write a list of all the things you need to get done the next day. Writing a to-do list can allow the brain to “dump” all the items it’s trying to keep track of, effectively freeing it to fall asleep.

Not only do these mindfulness practices promote better sleep and help protect your mind-body health overall, they also help when it comes to managing stress.

5)    Create a bedroom sanctuary space

Creating a peaceful bedroom space is the cornerstone of your nightly self-care practice. We all need a place to retreat to - a spot to destress and escape from the craziness of the day. One that will ultimately help you to sleep soundly.

Here are some helpful tips for creating a bedroom that promotes self-care:

  • Try to leave devices, TVs, work, and bright lights outside of your bedroom if you can.
  • Keep your space clear and uncluttered.
  • Invest in some blackout blinds - even the smallest entry of light can disturb our sleep cycles.
  • Change your bedding according to the seasons and keep your room temperature at about 18.3 degrees. Our body temperature not only affects sleep onset, but also sleep quality. A higher core body temperature has been associated with a decrease in restorative slow-wave sleep.
  • Purify the air. Air purifiers can remove dust, pollen and bacteria from your room. Many also come with sleep or near silent mode so you can still enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.
  • Place diffusers in the bedrooms throughout your home to help set the mood for tranquil sleep. If you’re looking for evocative and exquisite scents, try our luxury reed diffusers which add a touch of style to any space.  

 6)    Switch off the lights at the same time every night

Research shows that artificial lighting has dramatic effects on sleep, influencing circadian rhythm, melatonin production, and your sleep - wake cycle. Dimming the lights as the sun goes down and going to bed at the same time each night and rise at the same time each morning is a really effective way to sleep well without drowsiness the next day.

Final words

Better sleep makes everything in life just a little bit easier.  It is as important to your health as wholesome foods and regular exercise are, so love yourself well by cultivating good sleep hygiene.

A relaxing wind down routine can help calm an anxious mind, soothe aching muscles, and gently wind down your body so you can catch zzz’s more easily.

If your morning routine is all set, but you don’t know where to start when it comes to getting ready for bed in a mindful way, then take it step by step. No matter what products you use or methods you choose, aim for simple and effective strategies that you genuinely love.

A good nighttime routine can help you feel your best and boost your physical and mental health, so make sure to take care of you.

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